︎︎︎Performance Documentation Archive︎︎︎
Research Sources (in alphabetical order)
Светлана Алексиевич_Последние Свидетели
Nora Alter + Timothy Corrigan_Essays on the Essay Film
Lawrence Abu Hamdan_Live Audio Essays
Claire Bishop_Disordered Attention: How We Look At Art And Performance Today
Camille Casemier + Selena Kearney_The Right to Look / The Right to Have
Dipesh Chakrabarty_The Climate of History in a Planetary Age
Jace Clayton_Uproot: Travels in 21st-Century Music and Digital Culture + DJ Rupture Mixtapes
Cecilia Cornejo_I Wonder What You Will Remember Of September
Mati Diop_Dahomey / In My Room
Daniel Eisenberg_Cooperation of Parts
Frantz Fanon_A Dying Colonialism
Harun Farocki_Inextinguishable Fire
Saidiya Hartman_Lose Your Mother: A Journey Along the Atlantic Slave Route
Hồ Chí Minh_Tuyên Ngôn Độc Lập
Mazen Kerbaj_Starry Night
Seth Kim-Cohen_In The Blink Of An Ear: Toward A Non-Cochlear Sonic Art
Florian Klinger_Aesthetic Action
Jace Clayton_Uproot: Travels in 21st-Century Music and Digital Culture + DJ Rupture Mixtapes